Tuesday, 8 March 2011

The Artist's Intention

Andy Goldsworthy(b.1956)
RE: Icicle Star – Temporary Art
He uses photography to capture these temporary pieces, his work is shown in glossy documented books, so is the photography/books the actual pieces of work.
I actually do own one of his books ‘The Wall’ and it is a fascinating book into the insight on his thought processes, sketches and the actual creation of the work, the photographs are a reflective journey through the processes he uses during the creation of this piece.

Questions asked during Video Lecture:
Where does my work stand in relation to Audience?
My work at this moment in relation to the audience is to create a reaction about the situation that has occurred in my everyday life and asking the viewer for their reaction.
Where is your Audience?
To be honest the Audience is the other students and the Lecturers on the MA really, however I have an idea that I would like to take my pieces that I make into a local Secondary School or College because I am interested in the reaction from an audience that is of an age where impressions count, and create identity, I would like to gain their honest opinions and create a debate with these pieces.

The Body
Tattoos – a place of exhibition
I have a tattoo and I love it, and I would like to get more done at some point, and it is a valid point when you talk to people who have tattoo’s they are expressing their opinions and their lives, their love for the important people in their lives, things that really matter.
Franko B (b.1960)

   http://artsadminartsblog.blogspot.com – accessed 8.3.2011

His work is sculptural, instillation, painting – his work is very difficult and uncomfortable to deal with, blood is visceral and contains life sustaining chemicals, proteins, nutrients etc, and when he deliberately loses his own for the sake of ‘Art’ the comparison to this would be to talk to voluntary blood donors, and blood recipients, who have benefited from these volunteers, it would be interesting to discuss these opinions with the people who are in the medical field, considering the cost of blood, it on average 150.00 plus for 1 donated 300mls of blood components – How much does Franko B believe his blood is worth?
Furthermore it is interesting to view or to consider being the viewer is this voyeurism? There is an element of health issues involved in his work, and does the audience validate his intention of a form of self-harm.

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